Just a couple of things to give you something to think about.
First, let me start with just happened to me this morning. I laughed all the way to the internet point...It's raining in Madrid. The traffic is horrible and I am one of a few without an umbrella. I'm standing there in front of all these cars, waiting for the green man so I can cross the street. There are buses in front of me too and people all around. Next to me is this scrappy fellow of about maybe 65 years or so. I glance his way, we make eye contact and I dive back into my baguette. Then all of a sudden, he throws his arm into the air and salutes me the way the Germans saluted Hitler and yells ¡Viva EspaƱa! ¡Arriba Franco! It was so funny! Even people on the bus were laughing. He just stood there too for like 2 more minutes, hand up, eyes on me... until I dashed across the street. I thought I must be on Spy TV.
Now, let me share a piece of my book that helps me justify my delay in responsible living... it comes from The Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller... first published in 1939 and forbidden in the UK and US until 1960 or so.. It has evoked some of the most random facial expressions from me, in that it is both filled with vile visuals, lack of morality, beauty, compassion and passion and warm, red blood through and through...
"When I see the figures of men and women moving listlessly behind their prison walls, sheltered, secluded for a few brief hours, I am appalled by the potentialities for drama that are still contained in these feeble bodies. Behind the gray walls there are human sparks, and yet never a conflagration. Are these men and women, I ask myself, or are these shadows, shadows of puppets dangled by the invisible string? They move in freedom apparently, but they have nowhere to go. In one realm only are they free and there they may roam at will- but they have not yet learned how to take wing. So far there have been no dreams that have taken wing. Not one man has been born light enough, gay enough to leave the earth! The eagles who flapped their mighty pinions for a while came crashing heavily to earth. They made us dizzywith the flap and whir of their wings. Stay on the earth, you eagles of the future! The heavens have been explored and they are empty. And what lies under the earth is empty too, filled with bones and shadows. Stay on the earth and swim another few hundred thousand years!"
Some things never change. Now, from the same book.. same author.....it's vile.. He's talking about his good friend.. You see, they are both quite into this life of hookers, booze, being cheap, barely getting by.. and more hookers.
"In the midst of his reveries he suddenly arrests himself, and grabbing my arm excitedly he points to a whale of woman who is just lowering herself into a seat. 'There's my Danish (insert bad C word.)' he grunts. ¡See that ass? Danish. How that woman loves it! She just begs me for it. Come over here.. look at her now, from the side. Look at that ass, will you? It's enourmous. I tell you, when she climbs over me I can hardly get my arms around it. It blots out the whole world. She makes me feel like a little bug crawling around inside her. I don't know why I fall for her. I suppose it's that ass. It's so incongruous like. And the creases in it! You can't forget an ass like that. It's a fact... a solid fact. The others, they may bore you, or they may give you a moment's illusion, but this one -with her ass!-zowie, you can't obliterate her... it's like going to bed with a monument on top of you'
Beautiful description, eh? I hope you can appreciate the power of words! Sometimes, it's all we have and it gives us the strength to move the mountains of people's minds. I love writing and reading and books and freedom! I love it! Ok, Have a nice day, like Americans say! luv, rai
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