Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Utah-Italy 2001 (2)

Yodle-This is just a quickie to let all those interested that this woman is officially fleeing the country as of Monday Morning - July 16th. I will be heading fromMyrtle to Atlanta to Philly to ROME!! ITALIA.. And so far all I can say is MI CHIAMO RAQUELITA and I can count to ten or so... Ok- I'm being modest. I'll be able to get by in the airport, but go shopping, I think not. Well, my times here at the beach were wonderful and to those of you who I saw, it was awesome.. and from whatI remember of it, I don't regret a thing... except maybe a comment or two about slow motion and showers..:) but, it'll be forgotten by October, right? Yes,we did some partying and now it's time for some serious climbing and kid business. For those of you who have no damn clue what this is all about, here's the bizz..

1- I fly to Italy on Monday and meet Tim and SusanWolfe and their 3 children, ages 2, 4, 6. Then we tour Rome for four days. I'm standing in as nanny for hire, but I know these folks from SLC... although, I don't know the kids... well... at all!! They'll just have to learn to like me.. hee hee... I'll make vegetarians of them all.. JUST FREAKIN' KIDDING! Don't go gettin' all worked up over nothing!

2. So, after Rome we take a train to Venice and tour that wee spot for a spell. Then we rent a car and drive to Cortina, the small mountain town in which we'll join the other tourists/climbers for a month...only, while they're all staying in big fancy chalets..or whatever they are in Italy, we'll be camping.. haha... with three kids. Oh, the jealous eye will certainly fly our way??! :)

3. From Cortina, we'll be climbing the whole time! It'll work like a sort of rotation. Two days on and one off for all of us.. so even though I am merely a nanny, I will be a climber too! Yeehaw!

4. From Cortina, on or around the 18th of August, we'll take a train to Florence and see the sights...and then, they leave me all alone.. little americana in big Italia! FREEDOM.

5. So, from Cortina. I have really no flippin' idea what the hell I'm going to do. The only set plans I have are: a) don't spend it all in one country b) see france, spain, portugal, switzerland, and hopefully belgium. c) look for girlfriend - ANNABANANA in Italy orSpain d) meet friend, Doug, in Nice on October 1st and take ferry to Sardinia to climb for my last two weeks in Western Europe. Anyone wanna join me for adventures in September???

So, then I come home on October 15th, 2001! If Idon't... then send in the troops. I'll be logging on a lot to keep everyone up on my goings on. I'm sure to have some sort of adventure, although it may not be a foot flapping, overhanging 5.11 hand crack in the Andes. God, those guys rock! :) So, to all of you -keep on having awesome summers, or start... and I'll be way in touch soon. You guys will be my travel buddies once I hit the road solo, so hang in there with me. Clam Ciao -der. -rai ;)

ps - I must clear something up. I should have done itlong ago to clear the air and prevent major embarassment... My name is RAICHLE!! Not RAILENE!! I just put that as my alias. It came from ChrisGrover.. you know, that dude at Black Diamond that"runs the fuckin' place." So, make a mental note if you didn't already know.. (there's more)

pss - forgive me father for I have sinned. It hasbeen almost one week since I sent that silly forward, in which time I have to come to learn that, indeed, Bonsai kitty is joke. There is no Bonsai kitty. It was a big fat mistake and I was pulled down like many other Animal lovers, into the depths of darkness and gullibility.. and I am heartily sorry for having offended anyone with such silliness.. Thank you. :)

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