Thursday, June 07, 2007

Czech Republic - Slovakia 2007 (1)

From Prague, Mara and I headed via the night train to Slovakia. Zuzana S. was waiting at the other end for us. We arrived to Banska Bystrica well rested after a cozy night in a sleeping cabin with bunk beds. We made our ways over to the apartment of Zu's friend, Eva, where we dropped our heaviest bags and only took what we really needed to survive for three days in the loving home of Zu's parents. We took the bus to her parents home, with one transfer and too much humidity... we arrived 40minutes later.

The village, Myto Pod Dumbieron, is tiny! It's one street that has a small river flowing along side it with about 30 or fewer buildings making up the whole town. Zuzana's parents live a short walk from the bus stop in a cute little white cottage, that has a great little mini-barn outside, where they keep 3 young sheep... the rest of the flock is out grazing in the fields with a larger flock, but these three graze around the house until they are bigger. Two of them are particularly small because they are twins, so they come in at about half the size of the third from the same time of birth...

Our time in Myto, was all about relaxing and attempting to recover from jetlag, which we succeeded at eventually, although it was a kicker. I slept most days for at least an hour and felt wiped out every day. The slavic diet didn't help... I was coming from my vegetarian fare in Utah which consists heavily of ... you guessed it! Vegetables ... to this medley of carbs and carbs and carbs ... oh and chocolate and cheese... So, let's not even go there on the plumbing ... I'll just say I didn't feel like myself for about a week.

All joking aside, Zu's mom took such great care of us. She fed us plentifully, always with a vegetarian option for me. She made sure we had plenty to eat at each meal, to the point of making our bellies bulge and then she offered more. She was so sweet... the kind of mom you want to squeeze and kiss and never say good-by to.

Aside from eating and sleeping, we went on a few hikes in the green hills around Myto and took one drive to a nearby town to meet Zuzana's brother, niece and nephew ... and their very cute 11week old puppy. The area was gorgeous and the air so clean! The homes were simple European cottage style with worn facades and lovely gardens. Everyone seems to love lavendar and rock gardens ... truly talented horticulturalists abound!

After a relaxing few days, a few nice walks, a sorrowful farewell with our adopted parents, we headed back to the train to endure another night's rest in a sleeping cabin - bound for Prague, from where we caught a local train southwest to Susice ... the town which started it all! We'd be living and working in Susice for the next three weeks.... so much more to come on that! I love Susice!


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